
The day I discovered UX writing was a wonderous day. I LOVE the challenge of writing clear microcopy and helping people get through a task without getting in their way.

Content Strategy and Style Guide

Project Style Sheet

Multiple Voices for the Same Message

Parental Control Sign-Up

Loyalty Program Pilot Project

UI Style Guide

As a writer and interaction designer, I’ve had the opportunity to write style guides for IX designers. This example is taken from a UI style guide written for an audience of contract designers, developers and subject matter experts in a company that wanted interaction and visual consistency across a large suite of software products.

UI Style Guide


This is an example of a high-tech persona I wrote many moons ago. The style is a bit dated, but it still gives a glimpse into my passion for how people use technology and how that can be translated into stories that design and development teams can use.
Sample Persona

Blog and Web Content

Check out anything here on heathersearl.com — it’s all mine.  I don’t blog very often, so some of the content is rather dated. But here’s a post that explains some of my views on UX writing pretty accurately.

Choose Your Words Wisely: 9 Tips to Improve your UI Text


This whitepaper is aimed at marketing personnel working for mobile telecommunications operators.

One of my client’s customers said he has sent it to several co-workers and used it to help make a case for a strategic business decision.

Seize the Power: How a New User Experience Will Help Operators with the Mobile App Revolution